Speeding ticket attorney San Antonio


San Antonio Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Have you received a speeding ticket, traffic violation – fine in San Antonio or its surrounding counties? Were you pulled over for speeding somewhere in San Antonio? Every municipality has its own procedures or ordinances regarding traffic violations. Defense Attorney Gordon Slade is representing hundreds of clients every year in the San Antonio community. Getting traffic fines and other violations dismissed since 1992.

If you were given a speeding ticket in Live Oak, you shouldn’t expect the same outcome for your case as if you were in San Antonio, as each city has different procedures. With more than two decades of experience, I know the local judges and local courts. I understand how their policies differ, and I know how to get you the best results for having your ticket dismissed in San Antonio and its surrounding areas.

You need a skilled traffic ticket defense attorney to help with your traffic fines dismissals

Vehicle traffic violation ticket dismissals in San Antonio are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve, which is why you need the help of our skilled attorney with long-standing court experience. We work hard to give you every chance of your ticket fines being one of the few that get dismissed each month.

Unfortunately, you can’t depend on the police officer responsible for writing the ticket, not showing up in court, and getting an immediate dismissal. Police officers almost always show up when scheduled, and police technology and training have practically wholly eliminated tickets that were written defectively.

Therefore, there’s hardly any chance of you “lucking into” a traffic ticket dismissal in San Antonio. You need a defense attorney such as Gordon Slade to be on your side who is actively working hard for your San Antonio traffic fines dismissal.

The improvements in the municipal courts, as well as Dallas police, mean that the deck is already stacked against you when you receive a traffic ticket. Therefore, you need all the help you can get. Representing yourself takes a lot of time and effort, and it could end up resulting in having to pay a higher fine and even a conviction, despite your best efforts.

In some instances, your cost is no more than the amount of the fine

We can often get your traffic ticket dismissed in the San Antonio and Bexar County Courts as well as the neighboring counties.

We focus on traffic violation ticket dismissal in San Antonio and Bexar County Courts. In some instances the cost to the client is no more than the amount of the fine, when possible, we resolve your case without you having to attend court, for no more than the cost of the fine. Even if you are charged with more than one traffic violation, we can often resolve your ticket cases with no convictions for less than what it would cost if you just paid the fine amounts or even less than the fine amounts.

When faced with a traffic ticket, you need our professional traffic citation lawyer. Gordon Slade knows the law, prosecutors, police, and court procedures.